As attacks on police officers maintain a national presence in the media, the city of Dunbar is taking steps to protect their patrolmen with the purchase of six Tasers.
"Right now we have three for the whole force," said Mayor Terry Greenlee during Monday's City Council meeting. "We want to arm every patrolman with a Taser. With today's shootings, we want to ensure our men are safe."
Purchase of the Tasers will come at a cost of $6,500, with $3,500 coming from the city's escrow account and $3,000 from local forfeiture.
Any concerns over the police department's possession of the equipment were assuaged by Police Chief Jesse Bailes.
"These will greatly diminish the amount of times we have to go hands-on with people," said Bailes. "Just about every officer, including myself, has allowed ourselves to be hit with the Taser. We know what it feels like and we know it's safe."
Ward 2 Councilman Greg Hudson echoed the sentiments shared by the mayor and other councilmen, stating that the city's officers face substantial challenges and the Tasers are much needed.
"In today's times, if you're wearing a badge as an officer, you're a target," Greenlee said. "Hopefully, times will change back eventually. We have a great police department and we hope to keep it that way."
Focus shifted away from the police force as comments from residents brought concern over the condition of the city's roads. A number of streets were mentioned, with 16th Street and Dunbar Avenue receiving the bulk of the attention.
"I spoke to the Division of Highways over the weekend and was advised that Dunbar is on the list for Roxalana Road to be paved this paving season," Greenlee said.
He noted that while 16th Street is not on the DOH's list at this time, he plans to take action to change that status.
"I am writing a letter to send to the Division of Highways and will hand-deliver it to the Governor's office," Greenlee said. "Others are welcome to join me.
"Dunbar Avenue and 16th Street are terrible. It's time we take stronger action on this."
In other business, council:
n Approved the payment of invoices totaling $127,808.95.
n Approved $5,000 payment to the Beautification Committee for the 2015-16 program.
n Approved $54,400 bid from Ed's Home & Commercial to replace the Bingo Building roof.
n Adopted an ordinance to raise the pay of the fire department's chief, captain and lieutenant.
n Adopted an ordinance to set the pay of the deputy fire chief.
n Announced the date of the annual fire department pancake breakfast, set for 8 to 10 a.m. Oct. 10. The breakfast is free.
n Announced the citywide yard sale will be held Oct. 3, with the start and end times to be determined by residents.
n Scheduled Trick-or-Treat for Thursday, Oct. 29 from 6 to 8 p.m.
n Announced Halloween Bayer Boo Bash will take place Saturday, Oct. 24 at Dunbar Landing from 5 to 9 p.m., tentatively.