A woman died in an "apparent homicide" Thursday afternoon in the Hurricane area, according to the Putnam County sheriff.
Sheriff Steve Deweese declined to name the woman, because all of her family hasn't been notified yet, but did say that she is 27 years old and white.
The woman died of a single gunshot wound to the head from close proximity.
The shooting happened at 417 Sevilla Drive off of Hospital Drive. The woman's husband, who was being interviewed Thursday night, found her and called 911.
Deweese said the husband is considered a suspect, but that the interview is more of a "formality" than one based on actual suspicion.
Deputies see another man as a more likely suspect, Deweese said. The sheriff didn't want to release that man's name, as deputies currently are looking for him.
The call came in to the dispatch center at about 5:30 p.m.
The Putnam County Sheriff's Department Crime Unit, which is the department's detective division, is the sole investigating agency.
Suicide was ruled out because no weapon was recovered.
"My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of the deceased," Deweese said.